Chemical Solutions

LTH Strategies specializes in providing top-notch chemical brands that meet the unique needs of the aviation industry. Our comprehensive range of chemicals is carefully selected to ensure exceptional performance, reliability, and safety. Whether you require cleaning agents, paint stripping agents, paint and other aerospace coatings, NDT chemicals, lubricants, or solvents we have you covered. With our commitment to exceptional customer service and industry expertise, we strive to be your go-to partner for all your aviation chemical needs. Explore our selection of top brands and feel free to contact us today with any questions or needs your shop may have.

Top Brands

Sherwin Williams Aerospace Coatings

Sherwin Williams offers a wide range a coatings solutions for commercial aviation, general aviation, and military aircrafts.

Products available include pretreatments, corrosion resistant primers, fillers and surfacer for composites, flame-retardant cabin topcoats, and high performing glossy topcoats.
Custom colors can be mixed locally to reduce delivery time to customer.
Mil-Spec approved and QPL listed coatings available.
Technical support available to ensure products are used as intended.
Products stocked locally.


Cee-Bee offers a wide range of chemistries including cleaners, paint strippers, descaling products, and lavatory maintenance chemicals.

Chemicals have been specifically designed for common aviation challenges.
Mil-Spec approved and QPL listed products available.
Technical support available to ensure products are used as intended.
Products stocked locally.


Met-L-Chek is a certified manufacturer of non-destructive testing chemicals.

Chemicals available for various NDT processes including Fluorescent Penetrant Inspection (FPI) and Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI).
Local technical support available to ensure products are used as intended.
Various sizes available so customers only need to buy what they need..
Products stocked locally.


Vantage offers cleaning agents to replace hazardous substances that pose a high risk to safety, health, and the environment.

Various environmentally and health friendly cleaners and degreasers available.
Technical support available to ensure products are used as intended.
Products stocked locally.

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(954) 283-7373